Many of you may be aware of the new triple vaccine now available for rabbits. It is called Nobivac Myxo VHD PLUS and it protects against the three fatal diseases: Myxomatosis, VHD1 and VHD2. Great news! Only one stressful vet trip for the bunnies! However, there has been much confusion about when a rabbit can have the new vaccine, even among professionals. It seems that if your rabbit has had vaccinations in the past and/or they are out of date, then they need a booster of Filavac/eravac before moving onto the triple vacc. This also goes for rabbits where their vaccination history is unknown. Therefore please do check with a RABBIT SAVVY vet that your bunny is getting the right vaccine as it could leave them unprotected. Please have a look at the diagram below and contact us if you have any questions, we will do our best to help! Karla 🐰🌟 [email protected] This is not our flow chart. Sourced from Frances Harcourt Brown.
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